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Over the past twelve (12) years, GFC has built a network of trusted partners who have been dedicated to our cause and support our projects and events on ongoing basis. These partners have contributed to the growth that GFC is experiencing today. If you are interested in partnering with us for any event or project, please contact us. 


Ocean Spirits is a registered, non-profit conservation organisation based in Grenada.  From its inception in 1999, Ocean Spirits has focused primarily on the protection of marine turtles found throughout Grenada's coastal waters and beaches.  Today, they operate a scientific research programme that spans 6 months of the year; manage a nation wide education initiative that to date has reached over 4000 students and  continually develop the idea that there are no better stewards of Grenada's turtles than the communities that have historically relied upon them.

Find out more.


"The social and the environmental must now come together, indeed, they should have never been apart." 

Since 1995, Kido Foundation's mission has been to preserve the natural ecosystems, fauna and flora, encouraging sustainable development of the Southern Grenadines through conservation activities, environmental research, youth education, IT, social media development and promoting eco-tourism.

Visit their Facebook page or website.


Gaea Conservation Network was founded in 2016 by graduates of the Biology, Ecology & Conservation Department at the St. George's University in Grenada. Our goals, are:

  • To conduct and support scientific research 

  • To provide support and training to organisations geared at conservation and natural resource management

  • To develop and promote environmental education and awareness activities geared at the sustainable use of natural resources in Grenada, Carriacou & Petite Martinique.​

Find out more.

The Koper Lab is a graduate student lab at the University of Manitoba which conducts avian research in Grenada. Some of our conservation-related research here addresses really basic natural history knowledge – breeding period, nest locations and success, habitat selection, morphology and moult phenology. Like our other research projects, ultimately we plan to use this knowledge to help us conserve birds. We are particularly interested in how birds use the agroecosystem mosaic in the forested uplands.

Find out more here, or on our Research page. 

The Ministry of Climate Resilience, The Environment, Forestry, Fisheries, Disaster Management and Information aims to be the premier agency of government mobilising resources and leading actions that will minimise the impacts of climate change at all levels of society. 

The Ministry's vision is to achieve a smart island state through sustained protection and management of our natural resources and environmental assets.

Find out more.

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